The Gospel

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for All the World

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A Treasury of Classic Radio Sermons Bible Prophecy A Verse-By-Verse Study of Daniel

Spreading the Gospel through RADIO, BOOKS,
sermonS & mUSIC

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Sharing ALL The Gospel for over 65 years
The Gospel Hour, inc

The Gospel Hour is a nonprofit Christian organization that has distributed fundamental Christian books, music, and CDs worldwide for more than 65 years. Founder Dr. Oliver B. Greene wrote more than 100 books explaining the Bible.

During his lifetime, Dr. Greene traveled the world preaching the Gospel message in churches, tents, and auditoriums. His radio program, The Gospel Hour, is heard nationwide and now worldwide through the Internet. We make his books available to you, as well as other fundamental Christian books by some of the greatest preachers and teachers from the past. These provide you with a unique and rewarding learning experience.

KEEP IN TOUCH with The Gospel Hour, Inc. (TGHI)

While you're here, please visit our online store, listen to today's radio program, and follow us on social media.

DISCOVER A TREASURY OF BIBLE TRUTHS AND MINISTRY HELPS Through Books, Preaching & Christian Music In Our Online Store

Visit Our Online Store

Need a Bible? Though not available online, we have an excellent selection of Bibles. Just write or call today; download our Catalogue of Materials to view our selection of KJV Bibles for children and adults.

LISTEN to The Gospel Hour Radio Program
What's On This Week!  (Listen On-Line)

 Mon—Fri (March 10-14)  NEW Series Begins:  "Bible Prophecy"                     Sat. (March 15) NEW Series Begins:  "Why Did Jesus Die?"         Sun. (March 16) “All Through Ephesians” Radio Series

Listen to Today's Program Online

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Keep In Touch • Follow Us On Social Media

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From Your Apple Phone - Visit The "App Store"
For Android Phones - the "Google Play" Store
(Search "The Gospel Hour Inc" to find our App)

Download our NEW 2025 Catalogue of Ministry Materials • See What's New in this Year's Brochure!

This Week's Gift Offer E

We are a faith ministry supported by your free-will donations. Your donations are valuable to this ministry and greatly appreciated. By donating, you are a part of this ministry, and your gifts encourage the saved and help reach the lost for Christ. The first item in this week's gift offer is a hardback book titled "Gospel Hour Sermons," written by Dr. Greene. This book features 132 pages containing seven powerful messages. Additionally, we are excited to introduce a new item, available for the first time: the "The Who, What & Why of Salvation" radio series, also preached by Dr. Greene. This series includes 17 messages across 6 audio CDs, all packaged in an attractive album. You can learn everything you need to know about the topic of salvation straight from the Word of God. This offer is available for a donation of at least twenty-five dollars.  Order Gift Offer E!

TGHI News and Scripture of the Week!

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support, which help us continue Dr. Greene's vision of sharing "all the gospel with all the world".

Click Here to Learn More about Gift Offer D.

Find Out What's New in our 2025 Brochure

Download a copy now, containing several new items available through the ministry in our new 2025 Gospel Hour Brochure of Ministry Helps (download now).  Call or email us to receive a printed copy through the mail.  Also, FYI Still Available — Download a copy of our Fall 2024 Ministry Update and News Letter now!

Thought for The Day and Scripture

Christ Return

Look Up!

“And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”  (Luke 21:28)

Become a Supporter of Soulwinning

  • Webster's dictionary defines SOS as "the standard signal of distress internationally."  HOWEVER, for us here at The Gospel Hour, SOS stands for Supporters of Soulwinning.
  • Each month through your gift you will be helping to reach the lost with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and you will receive materials to help you in your personal witnessing ministry. Furthermore, each member receives the quarterly edition of the reprinted version of the original Gospel Hour News newspaper.
  • PLEASE DOWNLOAD our SOS Brochure online for complete details.
Beccome a Member of our  SOS program. JOIN TODAY!

Thank you for your faithful prayers and support that help to make the work of this Ministry possible.


(800) 745-0324
(864) 244-4725 (Customer Service)

Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday,
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

The Gospel Hour Location
3307 Rutherford Rd., Suite D,
Taylors, SC 29687

Mailing Address
PO Box 2024,
Greenville, SC 29602

Service Area

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